Friday, 2 July 2021

Our 1st Home Ed Group - Pony Lessons - Lesson 3 (YB)

Today's lesson was another one Marley really enjoyed!

They started by learning how to muck out the stables today, this was quite good as it gave him a good opportunity to talk to his new friends too and work together 💩

As always, this was followed by an hour or riding too and he's definitely getting the hang of it now 🐴

Friday, 25 June 2021

Our 1st Home Ed Group - Pony Lessons - Lesson 2 (YB)

Well, this week, Paul took Marley to his lesson as I woke up feeling really not good 😩

Again, he had a really good time. He got to groom a pony and properly interact with it before his 1 hour riding session 🐴

He also made more effort to start talking to a couple of the other kids which was really good.

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Euro 2020 Themed Food - Part 5 - Fish & Chips - England (YB)

Part 5 of our Euro 2020 themed food is Fish & Chips  from England (i.e. home) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Monday, 21 June 2021

Euro 2020 Themed Food - Part 4 - Banánova Roláda - Slovakia (YB)

Part 4 of our Euro 2020 themed food is Banánova Roláda (banana roll) from Slovakia 🇸🇰

Euro 2020 Themed Food - Part 3 - Jahodový Koláč - Czech Republic (YB)

Part 3 of our Euro 2020 themed food is Jahodový Koláč (strawberry coffee cake) from the Czech Republic 🇨🇿