You can basically get paid to enter free competitions!
First of all, you need to have an android capable mobile phone though, as you need to download the app in order to use this. As far as I can tell, it's not yet available on iOS though.
I've been using Lucky Leftovers for a couple of weeks now, it's great if you're on a contract and have unlimited text messages. You can enter competitions for free as the phone number to enter via is a standard mobile number so is inclusive if you've got unlimited free texts.
You get points for every competition you enter and every 5,000 points is worth either £5 cash via PayPal or a £5 Amazon voucher. I've so far received 2 £5 payments successfully via PayPal...
Plus there are loads of great prizes to be won like an XBox One Kinect bundle (the one I'm hoping I win!), theatre tickets, digital camera, DVDs, cash, vouchers and loads more!. I've not yet won a prize, but I have received 2 payments from them!
Check them out here (you're best off going to the link on your mobile phone so you can download the app)...