Friday, 17 December 2010

Christmas & Shops (People!)

Long time, no rant...

Does anyone else get sick of how early Christmas starts in the shops?

Now, I love Christmas as much as the next person, maybe even more, but Christmas shouldn't start in September! You start getting decorated shops and Christmas music in some shops in September - WHY?

I can understand November, because they want you to remember it's Christmas next month and they want you to get buying as soon as possible. But before that is ridiculous.

For me, it ruins Christmas, because it used to be that Christmas only really started in December and that made it special, but now you are fed up of it by the time it comes along because of the bombardment of it in the shops.

People seem to get crazier about Christmas as each year passes as well. I mean, what is the deal with people putting up their trees and decorations at the start of November? I personally put our tree and decorations up 2-3 weeks before and leave them up until 6th January - I'm a stickler for tradition, I guess. But that even makes my 8 year old son happy as it builds up more excitement when we leave it until nearer Christmas.

Copyright ©2010-2012 Yvonne Brownsea

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Ban On Face Veils

OK, I saw on Yahoo Buzz today, that a Tory MP is planning a ban on Muslim face veils (burka's?).

I have been saying this for years. If you go into a shop in a helmet or a hoody and they kick you out unless you remove it, but wear a veil  and it's fine! It's bloody ridiculous - that's what it is! Let's face it - it may not even be a muslim underneath - it could be a white armed robber - what a perfect cover up for a robbery and it doesn't even matter if the you're caught on camera!

I believe that anyone, from any other culture being allowed into our country should respect and follow our rules and regulations.

We spend so much time respecting their religion and so on and, yet they are guests in our country and don't seem to give a shit about anything we hold dear.

However, whilst I fully agree with a ban, I think something like this will incite more racism into communities - which I don't agree with.

I think this will just further enforce the BNPs opinions - which are, let's face it, plain wrong.

I am coloured (ooh, sorry must be politically correct and ssay mixed race lol), but most people, if they didn't know me and just heard my thoughts and opinions, would probably assume I am white (probably a racist white person at that!).

I am not racist, I just believe if you are a guest of this country (which even if you are granted citizenship, you still are really), then you should respect and follow OUR rules, not the other way round.

When the World Cup was on - I heard that some people had been asked to take their flags down and some pubs and even that a small boy was refused to be allowed onto a bus because he was wearing the England - OMG - we live in England FFS - we can't even display our own flag in case it offends the Muslims.

It should have been made clear right from the start, that wherever you are from (i.e. this is not solely a rant at Muslims), if you come to live in this country, you damn well have to respect and follow OUR rules and regulations.

I believe everyone should be aware of and even respectful of other cultures, but the simple fact, at the end of the day, is THIS IS ENGLAND - we may have many different cultures here, and whilst I agree that people have many different beliefs and behaviours, everyone should respect out culture and follow our rules whilst living here as I am sure other cultures/religions would expect of us equally if we were in their country!

Copyright ©2010-2012 Yvonne Brownsea

Monday, 29 March 2010

Outrage At Amazon Marketplace

Time for a new rant, methinks...

I've been selling on Amazon marketplace for some time now. But never will I again...

If you think eBay has ridiulous policies in place for sellers, you should treat Amazon with utter contempt and keep them at least a galaxy away (arms length just isn't enough).

I recently sold an item worth over £300. The buyer claimed that a) it was missing the power supply and b) the packaging inside was open.

I had listed the item as new (which it was), but had put in the comments box (which is the only space where a seller can add anything) that it had been opened only for testing. I test high value items to save on comeback.

I contacted them and told them if they had read the description properly, that I had actually stated that it had been opened for testing purposes only (and to check complete). And also that I was 100% sure that the power lead was in the box upon despatch, but I was willing to send a replacement at my expense or refund a proportional amount...

No contact back from them, and then all of a sudden, I get an Amazon A-Z Guarantee claim from them.

I disputed it, telling Amazon that I had clearly stated that it had been opened for testing purposes only and that I had offered a new power supply or partial refund. In my opinion, this was very fair, especially as I got the distinct impression (as would anyone with half a brain cell), that they had got it and simply decided they no longer wanted/required it and made up an excuse to send it back.

Anyway, my beef with Amazon... They refused my dispute becausethey say the item, if listed as new, needs to be totally unopened, and apparently, the comments box is totally irrelevant, I quote Amazon:
"Per our Policies for listing Amazon Marketplace items, sellers must accurately describe the product's condition on an item's retail page, also known as the product detail page. It is not sufficient to list differences from the stated condition in the comments."
Now, what is the point in having the comments box if they are totally irrelevant? But, also, this seems very unfair as there is no other way of adding to the description.

But that's not all, this is what really takes the biscuit... Again, I quote Amazon:
"Because you listed an item in an incorrect condition, the item is materially different than described and the buyer is automatically eligible for the A-to-z Guarantee, whether they return the item or not."
This is by far, the most incredibly ridiculous thing I have ever heard. I have to refund them their money (just to re-iterate, this was a £300+ item), regardless of whether they return the item to me or not! Now, it may just be me, but if they do not return it, is this not classed as theft? And if it is, why the hell aren't Amazon accessories to the crime?

Copyright ©2010-2012 Yvonne Brownsea