Wednesday 23 March 2011

Facebook Tips & Tricks

Away from my usual sort of post - I thought I would post this to try and help out some people and companies with their use of Facebook (I will update this if I am asked for anything else):

1) How To Let Your Fans Tag Your Photo's - Well, Facebook seem to have thought it a clever idea to do it this way for some reason, but it seems to have left a lot of people and companies dazed and confused. Well, it's actually quite simple when you know how... Click on the photo album where you want to allow tags, then there's a link below the pictures, to the left that says "Edit album info" - click on this and then on the top right you will see a selection of mini icons. Click on the one called "Photos" and you will be taken to the "Edit Photos settings" page. Then all you need to do is select the radio button that says "Allow all fans to tag photo." - that's it! Done!

2) How To Write On Multiple Lines - When you used to write a comment on a wall or page, you could press ENTER and move on to the next line, now Facebook has changed it to make it so that when you press ENTER, it posts your comment. So you're left thinking, "How do I just move on to a new line?" Well, the answer is quite simple, now, when you want to move onto a new line, you have to press the SHIFT key at the same time as the ENTER key - so hold down SHIFT+ENTER to move onto a new line. Easy!

3) Back To Basics - Want to know how to tag a friend or a company in your status? Just make sure you are a fan of their page or are their friend and then type @ followed by their name (e.g @Yvonne Brownsea if you wanted to tag me). Want to know how to tag yourself in a photo? Well, that's really easy too, just click on the link that says "Tag this photo" and then start typing your name and click on it and then click "Finished tagging" - that's it!

4) Find Yourself In A Post - OK, as an example, you've entered lots of competitions and you want to know if you've won  and you're thinking to yourself that you've entered so many, however will you know? Well it's simple... Although it is not flawless, as from my own experience, not everything shows up (especially if your name is posted in a comments box as opposed to on a status), but the easiest way is to type your name into the search box at the top of the page and click on "See more results for X" (X being your name) - easy as that! It will show you a list of posts containing your name. Voila!

Copyright ©2011-2012 Yvonne Brownsea

Saturday 5 March 2011

Amazing Dogs

For once (possibly the first time ever on my blog!), I'm not having a rant, if you can believe it!

I've recently read some things about Dogs, and I have been truly amazed.

The first thing I saw was about a Dog that chewed off its owners toe whilst he slept after drinking and how it actually saved his life.

Apparently, the person had an infected toe and his Jack Russell bit off a large chunk of his toe. After he woke up to his toe having been chewed off, he went to hospital to find out he had dangerously high blood sugar levels and was a Type 2 diabetic and that his toe would have had to have been amputated anyway - so the Dog (Kiko) effectively saved his life.

The next amazing thing I've read, is that apparently, Dogs can sniff out patients who have bowel cancer just by sniffing their faeces. Everyone thinks Dogs sniffing each others poo is revolting, but I doubt anyone having bowel cancer sniffed out by a Dog wouldn't find it repulsive anymore.

On top of that, there's the more obvious things like how intelligent Dogs are when they help the blind lead a more normal life.

It seems many people take Dogs for granted, as they are so much more than just a pet. They are truly amazing!

Copyright ©2011-2012 Yvonne Brownsea