Saturday, 19 February 2011

Win A Case Of Wine & My 3 Favourite Love Tunes Ends 28/02

OK, I am entering a fab competition from Price Minister using this blog post to try and win a pair of iPhone 4 mobile phones for my husband and son. By commenting on this post, you will not only be helping me to win, because I am also offering a case of wine to 1 lucky person who follows my blog and comments on this post by 28th February 2011. UK only eligible to win, but all welcome to comment. Leave your comment and your Twitter username or Facebook profile link or some other way of contacting should you win.

OK my blog post and entry into the competition... I have to list my 3 favourite love songs with a 200 word summary (of each I think - I am checking on this so post might get modified). So here goes:

My favourite category of CDs on Price Minister is the reggae section as this is my favourite type of music - is where you can find it too.

1) Has got to be You're The First, The Last, My Everything by the amazing and much missed musical wonder, Barry White. Why? Because it's a song that defines love - about meeting that one special person you know you are going to spend the rest of your life with - it just makes you want to curl up into your partners arms the minute you hear it. It describes the feelings you get when you fall in love with someone - "You're my reality, yet I'm lost in a dream"  -  it's that feeling - that it's just a dream you don't want to wake up from because you are so happy.

2) A very close second is (Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher - the fabulous sound of the much missed Jackie Wilson. Why? This is a really feel good song - not just about love though it is uplifting and feel good in life in general - every time you hear it, you can't help but sing and dance along as it is so upbeat. Again, in terms of love, it is a song about meeting that someone who just completes you and makes your life better. Describing how you once felt down and lonely - "Now once I was down hearted, disappointment was my closest friend, but then you came and it soon departed, and you know, he never showed his face again" - maybe that you'd had some disappointment in past relationships maybe and were feeling lonely until you met your special person.

3) My third may seem a little out of place but I will explain later - Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom by The Vengaboys is my third choice. Why? Well, me & the hubby (then boyfriend) used to listen to this a lot when we first met and moved in together back in 1999. It's not at all related to love in any way, and maybe a little dirty sounding rather than romantic ("Boom, boom, boom, boom, I want you in my room, let's spend the night together, from now until forever" and "Boom, boom, boom, boom, I want a double boom, let's spend the night together, together in my room"), but hey, I was only 16 and him 19 at the time, so you have to forgive us lol. There really is no accounting for taste in music at that age! To be honest, I was a massive fan of The Vengaboys, but I think the amount I used to play this song over and over may have annoyed Paul at the time lol - I think he started off liking it and ended up sick of it!

WINNER: @needaphone

Congratulations! Please send me your address via Facebook or Twitter to claim your prize within 72 hours.


  1. I got very sick of the Vengaboys in general, she constantly played and played and played them over and over and over again <(x_x)> then for a while it was reggae over and over and over again every time we drove anywhere! Now it's 60s music in general...
    I love Yvonne very much but she plays music to death!

  2. Yeah to Vengaboys. Good choice.
    I love reading your blog posts hun.

    And as always I follow you on twitter as @sandyhallett.

  3. I like the first two because they're traditional "Love Songs". The third is an unusual one for a Love song theme, but brings back happy memories for you, so it's a good choice!
    Following blog and following on twitter @LindyHine

  4. Love your blog and your new twitter name.
    hope you win hun

  5. no to vengaboys but barry white would make any list

  6. Amazing how some strange songs end up meaning things to us....

  7. I think with Barry White, you don't need a husband.... his voice was so incredible you could forget you were married!

  8. I'm a huge fan of Barry White and do like a bit of the Vengaboys,they're catchy but annoying lol
    I am @v82chris on twitter.
    Good luck with your comp hunnie,i know your hubby and son would are very deserving winners x

  9. Hiya :) Great song choices, wishing you the very best of luck with the competition. I'm now following your blog, you seem to have a writing talent so shall look forward to reading more. Be lucky, Jo x (Facebook: Joanne Bean, Twitter @Beanyjojo) :)

  10. Love all of these songs - great choices. My hubby used to sing the first one when we were going out, he still does when he wants something ;)

  11. Oh Yes to Barry White, great choice! Good Luck Yvonne. :)

  12. Barry White - You get a big yes from me there \o/ (Shame hubby has decided to use his name for rhyming slang....ewwww!) Good luck Yvonne xxx

  13. Totally going to have that Vengaboys song stuck in my head all day now!!! Lovely story and great song choices,
    Good luck
    Abi Rollison (same name on Facebook)

  14. Good luck! Love a bit of barry white ,and the Jackie Wilson song is great not sure about the Vengaboys though lol

    @CHOCOAJ xx

  15. Loooove that Barry White song!!!

  16. Your choices are very good and actually right now downloading Vengaboys :)

  17. Downloading Vengaboys right now :) Great choices of music.

  18. I love your song choice, my favoutite song of all time is "It must be love" by Madness. Vengaboys is a great feel good song, it always makes me smile and reminds me of hot barmy days of summer, somthing that seems such a long way off at the moment.
    Love Dee xxx
    (twitter @deeblythe)

  19. I don't really like any of these but everyone has their own tastes.

  20. @loving your choice of music takes me back thanks for that xx

    I so love wine xxx rewtweeted as well x


    love your songs choices good luck hope it goes well

  22. Great choices - except the Vengabus is coming.... :-)

  23. great choices expect the vengaboys!!

    love the new twitter name though I was a tad confused for awhile!

  24. Lol love the Vengaboys one :)

  25. The Vengaboys were good then but now.... not so much, interesting choices though. I think couples do associate with a song of the time they got together - i never considered it before but someone asked my chap once if we had a song and he said yeah heart broken by T2, terrible bassline tune but it played all the time in the clubs when we first met @lillyfer85
