Tuesday, 22 November 2011

REVIEW: Club Penguin Toys

I received a big selection of Club Penguin toys to review from UKMums.tv and here's our review...

I knew from the moment I saw them, these would be a big hit with David as I know he plays on the Club Penguin website regularly and he also loves his cuddly toys.

Each of the Club Penguin toys comes with a token, which David tells me you can use on their website to get new characters for in the game. So, if your child plays Club Penguin, the toys serve as two presents when you think about it - they get the cuddly toy and a bonus of an online, in-game character.

The Club Penguin site is from Disney. Club Penguin is a virtual world for kids with lots of fun activities, where you can play and chat with friends and is a safe environment for kids, which is moderated and filtered, so you don't need to worry about who your child is talking to or what they are doing.

Now Club Penguin as seeped into reality with their fantastic range of toys for children. The fun no longer has to end on the internet, because children can keep playing with their favourite characters from the website in reality.

David seemed to have a particular fondness for the 'hidden' characters - his favourite of the toys is the abominable snowman, which is one of the penguins disguised as the abominable snowman and you can peel down the top to reveal the penguin.

These can be as fun as your child wants to make them - I mean with imagination, they can play any way with them. Also make a nice bedtime toy too.

I don't think these are just for fans of the Club Penguin website however, as if your child likes cuddly toys, then I'm sure they'd love them just as much as a Club Penguin fan.

CHILD RATING - 10/10 - loads of fun
ADULT RATING - 9/10 - perfect for any kids who like soft toys

Club Penguin toys can be purchased from the Disney Store, Toys R Us and other good toy retailers and start from approximately £4 upwards.

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