Friday, 28 September 2012

WIN: Daybreak Team GB Sports Bag

I won a Daybreak Team GB sports bag from a competition I found on MSE that was on the ITV website - I didn't know I had won it, just got a surprise delivery on 28th September 2012.

It was a Daybreak sports bag containing a Persil t-shirt, 3 mini cones, a ball, a frisbee and a whistle which I gave to my 10 year old son - he was made up!


  1. I had one too. I then had a phonecall from Daybreak and the guy said 'You have recently entered a competition' so I thought I had won £50'000! Sadly he was just checking I had received my bag

    1. Yeah, I had that same phone call too! Heard them say Daybreak and thought 'OMG! What have I won?' and then it was just them calling to check I'd got my goody bag :(

  2. I also had the phone message, but deleted it before writing down the email address to confirm that I had received the bag.
    Does anyone happen to have the email address? I think it's something like Thanks.
