Thursday, 23 October 2014

REVIEW: Haynes Manual USS Enterprise (DXB)

 Haynes Manual USS Enterprise 

At the start of this book there was a section that told you about the Star Trek ship itself, the ships history, what all the parts are, showed you pictures of it on the inside and about all the facilities.

Steps 1-14

I thought that steps 1-14 were very simple clearly set out and easy to understand. Some of the parts didn't go into place as easily as I thought they would have, but after a little bit of trying and determination I finally managed to get them into the right place.

Steps 15-30

With steps 1-15 I thought they were a little more fiddly because I didn't think the steps were as clear and understandable but again after a bit of trying i succeeded and went on to the next set of steps 31-46.

 Steps 31-46

 Whist making this part of the ship I found putting the sections of the saucer hard to slide together and also putting the edging strip on it was also hard but the rest of it was quite simple.

Steps 47-62

In steps 47-62 I found making the sensor dome tricky and hard to make and slot in place despite the fact that the instructions were easy to follow and clear to read.

Steps 63-78

These steps were clear and follow-able and I managed this part with no difficulty.

Steps 79-149

From steps 79-149 got a lot harder I found that some of the pieces didn't even go together properly which was disappointing because I was so close to finishing as well but it just didn't work.

On the back of the book it says skill level 5 and I can now see why this is.
And it also says that it is suitable for ages 8 and over but I'm 12 and i found this hard to do so I would suggest age 12 and over.
I also think Star Trek fans would love it.

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