Wednesday, 8 October 2014

REVIEW: Cadbury Chips Ahoy! (YB)

I was sent 2 big bars of the new Cadbury Chips Ahoy! Cookie for review and this is what I thought...

Well, I received good size 120g sharing bars and being a big fan of Cadbury chocolate, I couldn't wait to dig in and try their latest invention!

Basically, they are scrumptious chocolatey goodness in the middle with cookie pieces and coated in delicious Cadbury milk chocolate.

The chocolate inside was very silky and smooth and very, very tasty and I think there were just enough cookie pieces in it to make it tasty but not too biscuity.

It's really delicious, and having biscuit in, turns it into a tasty and filling snack and it's a great sharer at home watching television or a film.

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