Friday, 31 August 2018

FAMILY: Drayton Manor (YB)

Back in June, I won a family ticket to Drayton Manor from @Draytonmanor on Twitter. Yesterday, we used it for a fun, family day out.

We hired a car for the day, but it actually took us a lot longer to get there than we'd thought it would, so we didn't get there until almost 1pm which was quite disappointing as they shut at 6pm, so we didn't get to do near as much as we'd hoped we would and by the time you take the lengthy queues into account, it really wasn't much we got to do. The most important thing though, was that we had a really great day.

Both myself and David are not fans of big rides, so we were only really there for gentle family rides and Thomas Land for Marley. Paul does like the big rides, but always feels down at missing out on them because me and David don't like them and Marley is too little (though something tells me one day Marley will be a fan!).

We had loads of fun and here are some photo's I thought I'd share...

We also had lots of fun at the zoo, but we spent so long in the actual theme park itself, we were rushing around the zoo a lot at the last minute!

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